Ozone Therapy & Cancer - The Importance of Oxygen
“What is the most important element for life?” You might say, “food” or “water”.
If you hold on to your breath, after a few minutes you will begin to turn blue and realize your craving for oxygen. We can go weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen.
Otto Warbug, a Nobel Prize winning Physiologist said, “Deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.” Thus, according to Otto Warburg, oxygen is vital for the health of our cells and entire body.
Good oxygenation of our body is important, because it allows our cells to produce energy. On the other side, a lack of oxygen nurtures an environment for chronic diseases. Cancer, for example, grows in an anaerobic state.
Ozone Therapy provides a non-invasive, safe adjunctive to most cancer treatments and ties directly into a holistic treatment methodology by offering immune balancing, increased energy, reduction of pain, and improved quality of life.
Ozone therapy stimulates the body toward homeostasis by creating a mild, acute oxidative stress and activates the NRF2 pathway (the same pathway activated during exercise and fasting).
Among many mechanisms of action, ozone therapy is able to increase the body’s natural antioxidant production, enhance oxygen metabolism, and modulate the immune system.
Ozone therapy has been extensively researched in Europe and Cuba for the last sixty years. Millions of treatments have been performed with a higher safety record than aspirin. While you cannot breathe ozone due to the lack of antioxidant defences in the lungs, it can be safely administered in many other parts of the body.
Ozone Effects on Cancer Patients:
Ozone therapy does not attack the cancer. It takes a fundamental approach, helping the patient’s body to perform better and be more capable of fighting disease.
1. Helps prevent and eliminate infections by balancing the immune system.
2. Blood circulation increase and oxygen delivery uptake.
3. An uptick of metabolism – more energy.
4. Potential improvement of conventional treatments.
Where Does Ozone Fit Into The Holistic Treatment Of Cancer?
Any practitioner worth his salt will tell you that battling cancer is a whole body, mind, and spirit approach. You are probably familiar with a holistic approach to cancer. Nonetheless, it’s important to define a holistic approach to cancer and appropriately place ozone therapy.
We will use the acronym L.I.N.D.A. to explain the holistic approach of cancer. Most cancer doctors will adopt a similar approach, although not defined exactly the same.
L – Lifestyle
I – Immune system
N – Nutrition
D – Detox
A – Attack the cancer
L is for Lifestyle
Your lifestyle affects your health. Everyone knows this but it can be difficult to identify and overcome poor habits. Smoking, drinking, drugs, diet, attitude, stress, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, emotional wellbeing, environmental toxins, and many more factors will affect your overall health. This also encompasses spiritual and emotional wellbeing.
I is for Immune System
A poor immune system is often associated with cancer, especially among those who undergo chemo and radiation.
Those with a poorly functioning immune system are going to be more susceptible to infections and further malignancy. Many cancer programs have a focus on immune health because it will help to treat the cancer.
N is for Nutrition (including diet and supplementation)
There are a lot of opinions on nutrition for cancer. You can find a lot of great resources and doctors on this subject. Here are a couple common themes:
D is for Detox
Most cancer programs will have a way to facilitate bodily detox. This often includes sweating, exercise, deep breathing, hydration, enemas, promoting bowel health, and high quality sleep.
A is for Attack the Cancer
This is where people tend to focus a lot of effort, treatments to directly attack the cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation may be an example.
Administration Methods
In the clinic - Typically an intravenous method of ozone is used. Isotonic saline solution is ozonated with a carefully selected amount of ozone and administered IV.
This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice. Seriously.
Ask advice from your medical practitioner before trying anything like this or relating to ozone therapy. You should listen to the counsel of your medical practitioner.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.
Ozone Vitality offers medical information about treatments and remedies which are available in other countries completely legally, but in no way should anyone consider that this site represents the “practice of medicine.” This website assumes no responsibility for how this material is used.