What is Ozonated Water?
Ozone is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms (o3), a close relationship to oxygen (o2). Different from oxygen, ozone is extremely unstable because that extra oxygen atom wants to break off and combine with other molecules, known as oxidation.
Making ozone water involves infusing ozone gas into water. Ozone gas is bubbled through the water and slowly dissolves until the water retains a reasonable concentration of ozone that can be used for drinking.
- Bottling and saving ozone water for long periods of time is not possible because the ozone reverts back to oxygen. In most circumstances, the strength of the ozone will be reduced by 50% every 30 minutes. Some measures can be taken to make ozone water last longer.
- Ozonated water for medical drinking purposes is different from ozonating water for purification. Purifying water only requires a small amount of ozone and can be done with a common, inexpensive ozone generator.
- Ozonation of water for medical purposes involves a highly pure, medical grade ozone generator that uses an oxygen tank. This creates a much higher concentration of ozone water.
Ozone Water for medical purposes is commonly used for the following:
- Dental issues: infections, cavitation's, receding gums, sores, healing surgery wounds, etc.
- Skin issues: Lavaging of ulcers, infections, sores, non-healing wounds, surgical wounds, etc.
- Drinking Ozone Water: Claimed benefits on infections, digestive issues, gut healing, etc.
- Ozonated water for the washing of wounds and dental purposes has significant scientific research, dating back to WWI, but the drinking of ozone water is almost ignored by most scientific ozone organizations. People seem to assume it's due to its unknown complexities.
BENEFITS of drinking Ozone Water
Scientific Data:
- May work against Helicobacter Plyori infection
- There isn’t any other good scientific data yet, which is unfortunate considering the amount of anecdotal testimonies
- Anecdotal testimonies (not scientifically replicated):
- May assist gut diseases such as Leaky Gut, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, IBD, and food sensitivities
- May aid in digestion
- May increase energy
- May reduce inflammation
There are two primary actions with Ozone Water:
It kills pathogens: Ozone is widely known to be an extremely powerful antiseptic. It kills pathogens through a process of speedy oxidation, which breaks them down.
It heals wounds faster: Ozone water can help an area to heal quicker. It does this by helping the wound to get needed nutrients from the body.
Ozone Water Therapy - Protocol Information:
Ozone concentration ranges from 20-90+ ug/ml (gamma)
Ozone water can be administered the following ways
- Drinking
- Oral Swishing for pre-post dental work
- Wound Cleansing
Common Protocol for drinking Ozone Water:
- Low and Slow Approach: Start off with 16 ounces of water at around 20 gamma or roughly ¼ LPM (Liter per min) 2-3 times a week. After 1 week, patient can move up to 32 ounces at or around 20 gamma for 2-3 times a week. Patient can then titrate up to as high of a level of gamma as desired by Medical Practitioner - see Helpful Hints below for adverse reactions.
- Aggressive Approach: Start off with 16 ounces of water at around 20 gamma or roughly ¼ LPM (Liter per min) 2 times per day/5 times a week. After 1st week have the patient work up in strength/gamma by 10 every every 2-3 days on the same regimen of 16 ounces 2 times per day. Patient can then titrate up to as high of a level of gamma as desired by Medical Practitioner - see Helpful Hints below for adverse reactions.
Helpful Hints:
- Ozone water has a very short half-life, so it is best if you drink it right after you make it in order for it to be as effective as possible.
- There really is no hard data on how much ozone water a patient can or cannot drink as of this writing, but it is widely believed that ozone water is not harmful.
- Make sure your patient does not use a plastic cup to drink ozone water as ozone can react to some materials. Glass or stainless steel cups are best.
- There are people who like it strong and others who like it very weak, so the titration part of ozone water is critical to find what works best for each patient.
Ozone Water Complications/Things to look out for:
Some patients can experience headaches or scratchy throat after drinking ozone water, if this happens to your patient, lower the gamma and time by half for their next treatment or discontinue.
There is preliminary data that suggests it’s effectiveness for Helicobacter Pylori, a bacterial infection that can cause severe stomach ulcers.
Ozone’s basic properties allow for a dynamic range of uses in many different industries. It can destroy bacteria and viruses to create safe drinking water, eradicate molds in a house, prevent a gangrenous leg from being amputated.
Steier, Liviu. (2004). Ozone: The Revolution in Dentistry.
Thiele JJ, Traber MG, Re R, et al. Macromolecular carbonyls in human stratum corneum: a biomarker for environmental oxidant exposure? FEBS Letters. 1998;422(3):403–406